Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Change of plans...

I am now in the States but have a new job that I will start soon.

In another country.

China to be exact.

So I will be learning Chinese.

From what I have read from other people's blogs. I need to go to class for at least 6 months in order to learn and get the basics down.

Although, I did find a great online site for learning Chinese, too.




Monday, June 2, 2014

2014 Public Language learning Pledge - Korean

I will be taking 2 to 3 classes a week for the next month or so in order to learn Korean, like I should have been while I was living there. It will be much easier with me having not much to do, till my teaching certification starts in July. I will keep learning Korean as well when that starts, also. I will post videos on YouTube and italki.

I am doing this because in the states, there aren't any good books for learning Korean. I tried the huge, BEAUTIFUL -- seriously, it's gorgeous, Barnes and Nobles near where my father lives, and there is NOTHING Korean.


I will post about job stuff in the main blog and going back vegan.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Learning MY way ~ Motivation

I am restarting my Korean lessons. I am doing self study because Korean taxes are a bitch when your salary gets raised a good bit within a year.


Even though it doesn't FEEL like it. More on that in the other blog.

I decided to take the approach and attitude of the most stubborn couple in existence -- that I know about.
Vegeta and Bulma

They both have the attitude of "F*ck you! I can do it and you can't stop me."

I will take that in my approach of self studying Korean.

- DN